DADRA Events

During the year DADRA arranges various events and activities which are open to all local residents. These include fortnightly Friday Socials at St Francis Hall (Scout Hall) and regular walks in the forest. Also, occasional litter picks and special events such as the Jubilee in 2022, the Coronation in 2023 and in 2024 the May Bank Holiday community get-together. This year DADRA has its AGM at St Francis Hall at top of Hawkwood Crescent on Wednesday 18th September at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome.
Upcoming DADRA activities this Summer/Autumn 2024
Friday Socials at Scout Hall, top of Hawkwood Crescent. 1.50pm – 3.50pm |
16th and 30th Aug; |
Friendly afternoons where you can chat with neighbours over tea/coffee and biscuits. We offer board games, quizzes, arts and crafts, local history and book swaps in a sociable atmosphere where all are made very welcome. |
Wednesday Walks, Meet top of Epping Way at 11am |
Walks will be on 21st Aug; |
Pleasant walks into the forest and around the area. Come and join in. Walks last about 90mins. |
Spring Bank Holiday community get-together at the Scout Hall. 1pm – 5pm |
Monday 27th May. This will include a table sale, where residents can sell pre-loved / unwanted items; arts activities and games for children, bouncy castle. Plus, plenty of tea and cakes. |
Email: if you would like to book a table |